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Homeschool Foreign Language Curriculum

Check Out Foreign Language Courses at Lamp Post Homeschool!

Most universities and colleges require two years of foreign language. These foreign language courses are homeschool friendly and reasonably prices. We carry Spanish and French language courses–the most commonly taught in the US because we have neighbors to the north and south who speak those languages.

Sometimes sign language courses count for the foreign language requirement. Check your college catalogs for that option.

Alpha Omega Foreign Language

Spanish 1 and Spanish 2 homeschool kits combine print LIFEPACS with audio CDs to help your student learn to communicate in Spanish.

LIFEPAC Spanish 1 Set 9780740304743.
LIFEPAC Spanish 1
Grades 9 to 12
LIFEPAC Spanish 2 Homeschool Kit 9780740304781.
LIFEPAC Spanish 2
Grades 9 to 12

Avancemos Grades 6-8th

NOTE: Avancemos for grades 6-8 has been discontinued by HMH

¡Avancemos! has been retired and will no longer be available for purchase. HMH will continue to support current customers through the end of their contract. Contact HMH Support.

Some print components might still be available or you can find used copies elsewhere.

The updated 2018 version of Avancemos doesn’t use the discontinued Adobe Flash in the digital version, so it works better. This new version still uses the ©2007 print workbooks.

Avancemos Spanish Level 1A.
2018 ¡Avancemos! Spanish 1A
Grades 6-8
2018 Avancemos Spanish Level 1B.
2018 ¡Avancemos! Spanish 1B
Grades 6-8

Avancemos for High School

NOTE: Avancemos for High School has been discontinued by HMH

¡Avancemos! has been retired and will no longer be available for purchase. HMH will continue to support current customers through the end of their contract. Contact HMH Support.

Some print components might still be available or you can find used copies elsewhere.

2018 Avancemos Spanish 1.
2018 ¡Avancemos! Spanish 1
Grades 9-12
2018 Avancemos Spanish 2.
2018 ¡Avancemos! Spanish 2
Grades 9-12
2018 Avancemos Spanish 3.
2018 ¡Avancemos! Spanish 3
Grades 9-12
2018 Avancemos Spanish 4.
2018 ¡Avancemos! Spanish 4
Grades 9-12

Bien dit! French © 2018 ~ Middle School Grades 6-8

NOTE: Bien dit! for grades 6-8 has been discontinued by HMH

Bien dit! has been retired and will no longer be available for purchase. HMH will continue to support current customers through the end of their contract. Contact HMH Support.

Some print components might still be available or you can find used copies elsewhere.

2018 Bien Dit French 1A.
French 1A
2018 Bien dit!

Grades 6-8
2018 Bien dit French Level 1B.
French 1B
2018 Bien dit!

Grades 6-8

2018 Bien dit! French ~ High School

NOTE: Bien dit! for High School has been discontinued by HMH

Bien dit! has been retired and will no longer be available for purchase. HMH will continue to support current customers through the end of their contract. Contact HMH Support.

Some print components might still be available or you can find used copies elsewhere.

Create a proficiency of speaking French with a passion for culture. Bien dit! French ©2018 is updated and doesn’t include the discontinued Adobe Flash in the digital portion so it works better.

French 1
2018 Bien dit!
Grades 9-12
2018 Bien Dit French Level 2,
French 2
2018 Bien dit!
Grades 9-12|
2018 Bien Dit French Level 3.
French 3
2018 Bien dit!
Grades 9-12
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